Florida's Maternal Behavioral Health and Social Services Resource Directory


To search for specific services, follow these simple steps:
  1. Use the Search Bar: Located prominently on the homepage or at the top of the website, you'll find a search bar. Enter relevant keywords or terms related to the mental health resource or social service you are seeking. For example, you can enter "postpartum depression counseling," "housing assistance," or "support groups."
  2. Use Filters and Categories: After you enter your search terms, you can utilize filters or browse through predefined categories. These filters and categories help you narrow down your search to specific service types, specialties, or geographic locations within Florida.
  3. Refine Your Search: If you get a list of results, you can further refine your search using additional filters. You might want to narrow your search based on the preferred language, availability of free services, or specific age groups for services.
  4. Review Listings: Once you've found relevant search results, click on the listings to access more detailed information about each service provider or organization. The listings will include essential details such as contact information, service descriptions, and any specialties they offer.
  5. Contact the Provider: When you find a mental health resource or social service that aligns with your needs, feel free to contact the provider directly. They will be able to provide you with more information, answer any specific questions you have, and guide you through the process of accessing their services.

We aim to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly experience on our website, ensuring that you can easily find the resources and support you need for your mental health and well-being.

Our directory is completely free to search and access, providing a comprehensive resource for mental health and social services catering to moms and families in Florida. Users can explore a wide range of service categories and specialties without any charge. However, it's important to note that the costs associated with the services listed on the directory may vary depending on the individual providers and organizations. Some providers may offer their services free of charge, while others may have associated costs or fees. We encourage users to review the listings carefully and contact the respective providers directly to inquire about any potential costs or insurance coverage.

Whether you're looking for counseling services, support groups, or specialized therapists who have expertise in maternal mental health, our directory aims to connect you with the resources that best suit your needs. It is crucial to us that moms and families in Florida have access to the care and understanding they deserve, especially during this transformative time in their lives. If you or someone you know is experiencing postpartum depression or any maternal mental health concerns, we encourage you to explore the listings of providers listed with the Maternal Mental Health specialization. Please remember that seeking support and care from qualified professionals can make a significant difference in one's mental well-being, and you are not alone on this journey. If you are in crisis or facing an emergency, please call 988, a nationwide three-digit number for accessing mental health crisis support. For non-emergency situations, you can also access the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline, a 24/7, free, confidential hotline for pregnant and new moms in English and Spanish. Reach out to them at 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) to speak with trained professionals who can provide valuable assistance and guidance.

Our directory aims to include a wide range of mental health and social service resources for moms and families in Florida, available in different languages. While English may be the primary language for many resources, we make efforts to identify and list providers and organizations that offer services in languages such as Spanish, Creole, and other commonly spoken languages within our community. When searching for services on our website, you will find a filter option to select your preferred language. By using this filter, you can easily discover resources that are available in languages other than English, ensuring that language barriers do not hinder access to vital support and care.